Doesn't Congress have anything better to do than stick its' nose into MLB? Here's a thought......there is a war in Iraq, gasoline prices are skyrocketing, global warming, and don't forget those starving kids Sally Struthers is trying to save. Do the people on Capitol Hill think that the average middle class American wakes up in the morning wondering if Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, etc. stuck a syringe in their ass while they were sleeping? OMG-Get a grip people! Most of us are trying to pay our daily bills and keep the heat on untill April or May! As far as I'm concerned they can pass out HGH like stale bread at a soup kitchen. Overpaid, egomaniac athletes trying to extend their careers should not be on any political agenda. I'm tired now and trying to figure out if this is worth it. So screw you Mitchell. Screw you Congress. Screw you MLB. And if Sally haden't gotten fat I'd screw her too!
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