2008 and counting......
Anyway I want to wish anyone that gives a rats ass Happy New Year! If anyone is reading this right now I'm out of vodka and smokes! Any help would be appreciated.
I'll now leave you with this thought...............
"When rumor becomes fact the truth is no longer relevant."
2008 and counting......
Anyway I want to wish anyone that gives a rats ass Happy New Year! If anyone is reading this right now I'm out of vodka and smokes! Any help would be appreciated.
I'll now leave you with this thought...............
Dateline Morgantown, WV
In a bold move to, well I don't have a clue why, ex WVU football coach Rich Rodriguez submitted his second resignation in less than a week. Athletic Director Ed Pastilong confirmed this earlier this evening in a press release. That's more work than he has done in the last six months.
Now I'm no lawyer but if you quit once and your employer accepts it doesn't that mean you have, well, quit? This drama just keeps getting better by the hour.
What bothers me is not the fact that he left but the manner in which he did it. Everything was "cloak and dagger". I tend to agree with the University's stance that he was looking for a way out when he met with them last Friday. I'm not sure there is anything they could have done to keep him. But why couldn't this all have waited until after the Fiesta Bowl? Sure Michigan needed a coach-but we're talking 2 weeks here. And I don't think there was a line of coaches outside of Bill Martins' door begging for the job. Nothing like this happens that fast. I would say that Rich Rod and Michigan have been planning this for some time-at least since before the Pitt game. And where oh where was Ed Pastilong while this was going on? Am I supposed to believe that the AD of a major D1 school is that clueless? That he has such a fractured relationship with his coaches and staff that he can't smell the barn burning? If so then he is utterly incompetent. Nice guy-but obviously not qualified to do his job. Maybe Pres. Garrison should gather up a group of professors and conduct a midnight raid to kidnap Bill Martin. He might be an unethical sleaze but at least he doesn't try and hide it. This might be a good time to clean house top to bottom and get some people in the WVU Athletic Department that realize it's the 21'st Century.
And once they do take their jobs they should be held accountable for their actions-or lack thereof.