Monday, December 17, 2007

WVU Attacked Again by Michigan

Once again West Virginia has been shot through the heart by the state of Michigan. After last years kidnapping of WVU basketball coach John Beilein, the University of Michigan under the direction of its' Athletic Director Bill Martin, managed to steal away football coach Rich Rodriguez. Now you would think that after the Beilein episode WVU would have paid a little more attention to what's going on with their athletic programs. The funny thing is the story broke only because highly touted high school recruit Terrell Pryor couldn't keep his mouth shut. Apparently Rodriguez called Pryor to tell him about his plans to sneak out of Morgantown for the greener pastures of Ann Arbor before having the dignity of discussing his plans with WVU AD Ed Pastilong. But then again Pastilong is not a "Blue Chip" quarterback.

I think the loyal fans in the Mountain State have every right to be upset with Coach Rod. After he flirted with Alabama last year around this same time the university scrambled to raise enough money to keep him happy and he signed a contract extension. In his words after signing a deal through 2013 “Obviously I'm very excited to stay here and I plan on being here (WVU) a long time.” I suppose time is a matter of perception for Rodriguez.

At his press conference this morning I heard some of the same promises and declarations of loyalty that he made upon his arrival in Morgantown seven years ago. Kind of like a cheating spouse that gets caught. He really feels bad for his former players and the fans that pinned their hopes for a National Championship on his "Spread Offense".

Here's a news flash West Virginia...Rodriguez would never have won a BCS Championship for you and neither will he win one for the Wolverines. He is a horrible game day coach that refuses to adjust his game plan. His past losses to the University of South Florida, Louisville and most recently Pitt prove that.

Lets take this years Pitt game for example. WVU is a 28 point favorite and a shoe in for the BCS title game if only they beat a pathetic Panther team led by Dave Wannstedt, one of the worst coaches in the NCAA. After the dust settled WVU had folded like a lawn chair. Game stats....Owen Schmitt, the best fullback since Larry Csonka, touched the ball 2 times for 13 yards. Heisman candidate Steve Slaton carried 9 times for 11 yards. Freshman running back Noel Devine who got more press on his arrival than Brittany Spears does on a Saturday night had 7 carries for 11 yards. Now Devine is not a power back yet almost every time he touched the ball it was a play between the tackles. Seems like a perfect place to run a 5' 9" 170 pound speedster! Need short yardage late in the game to possibly pull off a comback win? Don't use Schmitt who can fall 5 yards! Slaton? 9 carries? What were they saving him for? Oh yeah, don't forget the QB Pat White, another Heisman hopeful that never got invited to the party. Injured thumb on his non-throwing hand in the first half. Sits out most of the game. Rodriguez puts him back in the game late in the fourth quarter where the All American completed a long pass on the last play. Only problem was the completion was to a security guard 20 yards out of the end zone. But he was the only one wearing gold in the vicinity.

Rodriguez cannot coach in a big game. Michigan will discover this in a short period of time. And the boosters will ask for his head and get it. And Coach Rod will end his career at some Division 3 school in North Dakota. I feel sorry for them already.

So the Douchebag Award goes to Coach Rich Rodriguez. And a Special Mini-Douche award to Athletic Director Ed Pastilong who can't seem to sober up long enough to keep his house in order.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.